This website will generally be shipped from Hong Kong within 2~4 working days after the user’s order confirmation and successful payment (Except Saturdays, Sundays and statutory public holidays in Hong Kong).

The logistics information on this website will be updated after the goods are shipped and after the customs clearance procedures in Mainland China are completed. Under normal circumstances, users can view the logistics information 3-7 working days after delivery.
If the delivery time is prolonged or hindered due to the following factors beyond the control of this website, this website will not and shall not be responsible for the consequences or losses. Related information will be posted on this website as soon as possible:

Large-scale events and major festivals (e.g. major national conferences, National Day, Lunar New Year, Christmas, Double Eleven), etc.; when severe weather occurs (e.g. wind ball No. 8 or above, black rainstorm warning), etc.; force majeure factors ( For example: natural disasters, wars, embargoes, system failures, etc.

The user can only provide one recipient name and recipient address in each order, and the system will generate one or more packages according to the order data.

If the order data shows that the shipment exceeds the specifications or requirements of the cross-border distribution regulations (for example: the total amount of the order, the total weight), in order to meet the requirements of the cross-border distribution regulations, this website will automatically split the order shipments and the split shipments It will be postponed the next day.
If the shipment is unsuccessful due to the information provided by the customer, such as the name of the order recipient, the address of the recipient, or the ID number of the Mainland China ID card, the shipment will be returned to the Hong Kong warehouse. The refund will be deducted from the basic logistics fee and 15% of the total order fee and returned to the balance. The refund time is about 2 to 3 weeks.

This website does not provide self-selected logistics services and will determine the most suitable logistics solution for delivery based on the user’s order data, recipient address, and product type.
Some of the products sold can be picked up in physical stores under this website. Users should pay attention to the recipient’s options when purchasing products.

Tariff Description This website is responsible for the taxation and customs clearance procedures for all shipments in Mainland China. Users and recipients are not required to pay taxes.
If the recipient is required to collect additional taxes by the local logistics company or national authority, please refuse to pay the relevant payment, and immediately notify this website, this website will handle the relevant matters on behalf of the recipient.
If the recipient has paid the additional payment to the local logistics company or national authority before reaching an agreement with this website, this website will not assume any responsibility for this payment.

Mainland China has implemented the policy of real-name authentication>, users need to complete the personal information of registered members before ordering goods on this website. The information includes the member’s Chinese ID number and Chinese phone number.

The customs clearance procedures at the time of shipment delivery need to provide the user’s Chinese ID card for authentication. Please ensure that the information provided is correct to avoid the shipment from being unable to pass through the customs. This website will not be liable for any losses caused by the user’s incorrect information.

This website is committed to protecting users’ personal data from being misused. For details, please refer to this website’s “Privacy Policy”.

Return Instructions Any request for return or refund of any shipment must comply with the of this website before the return or refund process can be performed.
If users need to apply for return or refund, please press the “confirm return” button in the system to make the application. After receiving the user’s application on this website, they will contact the user via email as soon as possible to discuss the processing plan together.

When the user receives the shipment and finds that the shipment is obviously damaged and complies with the of this website, it can be rejected immediately. If the user needs to apply for a return or refund, please click the “confirm return” button in the system to make the application. After receiving the user’s application on this website, he will contact the user via email as soon as possible to discuss the processing plan.

The user does not exceed 7 days after receiving the goods and the shipment meets the of this website.If the user needs to apply for a return or refund, please press the button in the system to make the application. After that, the user will be contacted via email as soon as possible to discuss the handling plan together.

Regardless of any reason for the return or refund application, the user must provide at least 3 photos of the current status of the shipment.The photo needs to show the outer box, inner box, and defective goods on the side of the delivery label, and then upload the photo to this website At the same time, remember to keep all returned products, packaging and receipt documents, etc., as a reason to support returns or refunds.

Regardless of whether the user chooses to re-ship the goods after paying the basic logistics fee, or cancel the order after deducting part of the unit price, as a solution for return or refund, this website will try to cooperate as much as possible, but in the end, both parties negotiate Conclusion to process returns or refund applications.

If the user’s return order includes gifts, redemption products, special products and trial gifts, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “gifts”), the return must be returned together. If users do not return such gifts, this website will first deduct the value of such gifts when processing the refund application (the value will be calculated based on the original value of the gifts).

If the user does not apply for a return or refund within 7 days after receiving the order, the website should determine the order as “confirm receipt”. This website will no longer accept any return or refund requests for this order, nor will it bear any responsibility.